The sexual trainer is one of the most intriguing jobs in the profession of a gigolo: in fact, being chosen by a woman or a man to start having sex or improve some of his aspects related to having sex, gives a great pleasure and at the same time a great responsibility.
But a sex professional is the best person to solve these problems.
I have many clients, men and women, who come to me because they would like to have sex for the first time or in a more satisfactory way and being a real sexual trainer, this thing gratifies me a lot!
Indeed, I would say that in my job, being a sexual trainer is my favorite task: it is not for everyone, in fact, you need a lot of patience and complicity, you really need to be there, otherwise it is useless.
In fact, people who turn to their companion as a sexual trainer want a very delicate approach, made up of attitudes of tenderness and complicity, not a hit and run relationship.
So in this case you have to think above all about the quality of the sexual relationship, done calmly and carefully!
But before going under the sheets, you have to break the ice with words and this is a fundamental aspect: in fact, only through a confidential talk can a perfect alchemy be established between the sexual trainer and the female client or the male client, who will lay bare their problems, they will declare their problems in the sexual sphere and the gigolo/sexual trainer will then be able to intervene to ensure that these problems gradually disappear.
I say little by little because those who turn to a sexual trainer know that a single meeting cannot be enough, but several are needed if you want to achieve a truly satisfying and definitive result, it is a bit like going to a psychologist, impossible to solve everything in one session…
Logically, the age level of girls and boys looking for a sexual trainer is very young: generally it settles between 18 and 22 years, but there are also cases of 30 years of age, in both sexes.
Usually the meeting takes place in a bar, or in a restaurant or outdoors in a park, for example: we talk, we explain and then the client or the customer tells them their problems in detail.
Then we move on to the practical act, that is to have real sex and it is here that all the professionalism of the gigolo/sexual trainer must emerge.
The sexual trainer will have to have sex with maximum attention, not for her pleasure, but only to allow the female client or the male client to fully enjoy one of the most beautiful pleasures of life, if not the most beautiful of all.
Only in this way will a confidential and sexual relationship be established with the sexual trainer which will then continue in other "sessions" scheduled on a weekly basis, until the girl and the boy will finally be able to have sex without any problem with anyone!
Based in Milan, I also work throughout Italy and abroad.
David gigolò
Tel. and WhatsApp +39 348 573 9395
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